Many of the 18,000+ residents who call a Jamboree affordable housing property home live with special needs – a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of their major life activities. With quality housing that is affordable, they’re able to adapt to daily living despite sensory and/or mobility disabilities.
Jamboree provides an enhanced level of services to more than 700 individuals and families who live with severe and persistent mental illness. They are no longer homeless but stable and active in their communities. Most are employed, volunteering, going to school, or doing meaningful activities. Many consistently experience a greater sense of self-determination and an enhanced ability to deal more effectively with daily life. The frequent visits to the emergency room, shelters, and even jail that are tragically typical for these so vulnerable to homelessness are nearly non-existent.
With a housing first model, Jamboree’s team approach to permanent supportive housing with services includes:
Moving forward, our goal is to designate at least 10% of our apartment homes at each new property for those formerly homeless and living with a mental illness. Jamboree was apportioned $2.5 million – to give homes to 100 of Orange County's homeless – with progressive new tools and a joint collaboration that made this a reality in March 2016. This collaboration led to an additional $1.5 million grant.