Katherine McFadden, Vice President, Development, Executive Management Team
Katherine McFadden, Vice President, Development, Executive Management Team

Katherine McFadden

Vice President, Northern California Development


From her early beginnings in the affordable housing sector to her leadership roles today, Katherine McFadden has consistently exemplified commitment and expertise. Beginning her journey in 1995, Katherine embarked on her career at the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) in Sacramento. As temporary staff, she was instrumental in assisting the TCAC staff, management, and applicants with both 4% and 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credit Applications, in addition to handling Compliance Reporting.

Fast forward to today, and Katherine now leads as the Vice President for Northern California at Jamboree Housing, a pivotal role in one of the region's premier endeavors to provide unparalleled affordable housing and vital services. Her career tapestry is woven with varied experiences, each adding depth to her understanding of housing sectors.

At Jamboree, Katherine not only shapes strategic directions but also plays an integral role in developing, financing, and managing affordable housing initiatives across Northern California. One example is the successful transformation of a former hotel into the vibrant community known as Vista Nueva that is changing lives. Her deep-seated understanding of housing finance intricacies combined with strategic vision ensures the seamless realization of housing projects.

Her tenure as Vice President of Housing Development at Domus Development bore witness to her unmatched proficiency. Here, she was central to the development and financing of nine significant affordable housing properties throughout California, collectively valued at $225 million. Yet, this wasn't her inaugural large-scale initiative. During her tenure as the Finance Director for USA Properties Fund, Inc., Katherine orchestrated a remarkable $500 million in debt and equity financing, spearheading the development of over 6,000 multifamily rental housing units across California and Nevada.

Katherine’s engagements with public entities like the California Housing Finance Agency (CalHFA) and the Sacramento Housing & Redevelopment Agency (SHRA) are a testament to her expertise in public finance and real estate development. Her efforts with CalHFA rejuvenated and expanded affordable housing portfolios statewide, while her role at SHRA catalyzed significant affordable housing ventures that culminated in an impressive $85 million in funding. At SHRA, Katherine worked closely with Jamboree on the renovation of the Hotel Berry which is one of her most rewarding affordable housing projects to date, With contributions to non-profit entities like the Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation (TNDC) and LIFESTEPS, and her for-profit experiences, Katherine presents a holistic and comprehensive approach to housing development.

A graduate of Westmont College, Katherine further enhanced her academic credentials with Pre-MBA coursework from California State University Sacramento. Her commitment to sustainability is evident from her certification as a Green Building Professional from Build It Green. Outside of work, Katherine enjoys cooking, music, art and watching her youngest son play baseball.

In the evolving domain of housing, Katherine McFadden remains a paradigm of expertise and dedication, synergizing her extensive public and private experiences to ensure Northern California's residents have unfettered access to quality, affordable housing and services.

Guiding Principal “Everyone has a role in helping others to shape the community around them. All actions, big or small when strategically aligned, can foster profound transformations, ensuring a sustainable and equitable future for all.“

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